I think that the
king of tattoos is the
full back tattoo. There, I said it, full
back tattoos are probably one of the most definite and complete way exhibit your
body art. But after you have a few
smaller tattoos done on the other parts of yotr body first.
Some folks go the full Monty so to speak and actually go with the
full back tattoo for their very
first tattoo. It is a very bold choice but not for everyone! However, I must caution,
a tattoo that covers the entire
back from
neck and shoulders all the way down to the
waist can be very
attractive. But you should do your
homework!And by homework, I mean you need to choose wisely the pattern and
design of your
tattoo as well as choosing the artist to draw the
tattoo on
your back.
Cut corners and you are going to be very sorry for the rest of your life because a
full back tattoo isn’t going to be easy or cheap to take off if you regret it.So obviously, for a
Girls Full Back Hot Tattoos that isn’t going to be as easy to hide or ignore as a
smaller tattoo can be, it is very important that you are aware of these steps before getting one. And that is, make the time to carefully plan it out. Don’t feel rushed because it may curtail your creativity. And definitely talk it over, several times if needed with your
tattoo artist to
make sure everything is within your specifications and the quality of the work isn’t going to be substandard.Case in point, recently a Belgian teenager girl fell asleep after asking for 3 star tattoos to be done on her face. She ended up with 56
tattoos! She blamed a language mix up and she now reportedly faces a huge bill to
remove those
tattoos. Now I don’t know if this whole story is true because quite frankly, it does stretch incredulity. How can someone
fall asleep when having tattoos put on her face? But hey, it is a story and it has a lesson attached to it. Be careful because you may end up with
something you don’t want!So back to the
full back tattoo. It is a large job and may take several hours depending on the
coloring involved and the patterns. Usually the tattoo artist wants to trace out an outlined of the
tattoo and perhaps start off with some shading and colors. And then ask you to come back after number of days to let your skin heal a bit. And then continue to work on your tattoo. Just filling in and shading some more until
the complete tattoo canvas is revealed.So let’s sum everything up for anyone that is interested in getting their whole back tattooed.